Yes, its true that the words once spoken can’t be taken back. But that is not the only reason why you should use your words wisely.This can be seen as collective statement, covering and hiding so many aspects within it.
Have you ever been in a situation where you were speaking something with a good intention and the other person understood it totally wrong? Has happened with me too, and then comes the explanation, which often seems to be made up or a cover for the statement which has already graved a mark on the heart of other person.

Many a time, you are talking to a person and you speak so harsh about a third person, they might not feel good about. And you know what? They may take this to heart for their entire life!! Your anger of a second or two can cost you your friendship or a good human being.

You might promise someone to do a thing and then later not keep up to your words.

Your words are real tool to connect with people, be loved one or to hurt other people. They directly or indirectly also effect the mood and mental wellness of not only the other person but also yourself!

Even I, though being an introvert have been rude many times. Yes, the truth sounds bitter more often.

Now, I’m not telling you people to not withstand with the truth. But, what we can do the least is to not make it harsh for the other person to carry with them.

Now, here are few pointers which I’m mentioning. These things have definitely helped me to be more lovable and trustworthy.

  1. Be good at heart. Let’s accumulate, in our heart,the things we love about people and not their negatives.
  2. Lets be aware about the space, time and also the mood of the other person.
  3. Avoid committing something if you can’t fulfill it!
  4. Don’t spread fake rumors. Be sure first!
  5. Avoid blame game. Accept your mistakes and be forgiving.
  6. Don’t spill out the litter from someone to other person.
  7. Let’s replace our abusive vocabulary with kind words!

What do you think? Has this happened with you? Let me know your views and ways how you overcome it!

I hope this helps you guys! Have a great Sundayyyy!!!!!!!

2 thoughts on “Use Your Words Wisely

  1. Yes , you are so true. The words we choose helps us not only know a person., Sometimes we become good friends just by reading the way they comment and connect!

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